La Tribu Van Meerbeeck

Matthias bientôt 3 ans, cherchez la touche verte, où trouvez-le à rassembler des petits trésors et les mettre dans ses poches ;
William, bientôt 3 ans aussi - étonnant non? -, vous le reconnaîtrez à une touche bleue - blue bill - il saute et court partout! ;
Amélie, la seule vraie princesse de la tribu, curieuse, délicate et une vraie actrice de théâtre en rose ou lila!


Rotorua and exit campervan & NZ

So we went to Rotorua to discover some of nature's volcanic wonders. Although we had very little time we where served some beauties visiting a park Te Puia. A gheyser, some mud pools, a lot of smoke and a nice walk around. 

Then we went to Cosy Cottages camping to complete the volcanic experience: kids on the beach of the lake where digging their own spa pools with warm volcanic water; you could steamcook on hot volcanic air (we didn't) or relax in the hot pools (we did!)  the water they get is at boiling temperature so they need to cool it down before filling the pools; kindly asked not to touch the water from the river, when you see the smoke you do get why. Impressive stuff at easy reach! It s the only thing we visited in Northern Island and I am glad we did!

Then off to Auckland on Wednesday. After three weeks of travelling, mostly in southern New Zealand, we said good-bye to our campervan. Kids where a bit worried about  where 'she' would go to, a bit hesitating about whether they would accept the idea of someone else travelling with her now, and worried about how on earth they would sleep and move around now?!!?! So we took our litlle booklets again which represent the countries we will visit and more or less what and who we will see so the kids know what to expect (merci Caro pour le conseil), promised two nights of hotel in Auckland, then a white plane with red kangaroo (Qantas) to Sydney and one week of airbnb at Manly Beach, in a little house where we can do a barbecue.

We definitely realise that after three weeks of campervan, we are somehow changed.... Some behaviours just simply don't lie about having spent a lot of time in the limited space of a campervan:
- you feel lost in the huge hotel bathroom! All the different functions are so far apart. Now you can sit on the toilet without having to fold the water basin, or if you are to quick at turning on the tap for washing your hands without giving it a second thought, you don't get showered instead (no tap for washing hands separately, in the campervan just a tap for the shower so no errors accepted!)
- kids react verrrry enthusiastic at the idea of taking a bath , it has been a highlight for them when asked about Auckland's must DoS and what they ll remember.
- they flush a few times not believing there is continuously water (we ran out of flushing water more than once... But then hey there s always thé shower on a different waternetwork)
- Pierre has the need to touch the wall with his head when lying in his bed; got used to sleeping in a mini troll bed.
- you caught yourself analysing the bed's horizon to see which side to put your head, in case underground of the campervan isn't flat.

It was fun traveling around with the van, though it sure has some challenges - but hey, wouldn't every way of travelling with three kids be challenging - I also think it was a secure way in every meaning to get the kids used to us traveling. Cambodia, if and when we get there (mat's cast)  will present a lot more changes of transportationmode and of sleeping place. Which will ask more flexibility from the kids, .... And some more being zen from us (we managed to have a fight over transportationmode back in our hometown in Belgium just the two of us, so imagine how well prepared we are in the Big Unknown with 3 kids!)!

And now today Friday 4th off to Sydney for a week of Airbnb up in Manly Beach!

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