La Tribu Van Meerbeeck

Matthias bientôt 3 ans, cherchez la touche verte, où trouvez-le à rassembler des petits trésors et les mettre dans ses poches ;
William, bientôt 3 ans aussi - étonnant non? -, vous le reconnaîtrez à une touche bleue - blue bill - il saute et court partout! ;
Amélie, la seule vraie princesse de la tribu, curieuse, délicate et une vraie actrice de théâtre en rose ou lila!


D-Day - 4

As usual, I'm brillant in doing the most important things first, so today - D-DAY minus "4fois dodo" - I thought I might want to check out if I can pimp our 'old blog' and make it work for our new trip! I think it is a good symptom of my disease to do first things first and ignore urgencies; we still need to pack our bags (as I think it won't fit, I prefer not to try to make all the stuff fit in the bags)! but hey!! We have our medical stuff figured out, I spent an hour and a half at the pharmacist around the corner, and my mother in law probably did the same in Belgium, so that we now have so much stuff we can open our own pharmacy ... ; the kids are proud (omg..) to wear their new Keen sandals in school every day (it is luckily a bit warmer in Barcelona and sandals with socks are still more or less accepted, at least for kids of strangers/ guiris, I guess almost everything is accepted!) Amélie is counting down ever since she can do it on two hands, and the boys (now aged 2 and 9 months) don't really realise how far or close away the 'Grand Voyage' is (how lucky are they being so naive), but honest to himself, Matthias is already collecting stuff to be fully prepared; a few days ago we saw him put some coins in a little box, asking him what he was doing, he answered 'des petits sous pour le grand voyage'. So finances? check! Tio Tim was probably our last visitor and he left today (at least, I think so, I did drop him off at the metro just to be sure ;-) but hey, you never really know ... I expect him to stand in my living room any time) The working men (werk-man, werkende mannen, ...?) are coming to fix some last stuff to our new barcelona place and then we'll hand over the keys to some friends here so that they take care of our 'maison citron' in Poblenou while we are away ... The itinerary will be Argentina for some Buenos Aires revival, Iguazu with Pierre's sister&family and then partying at Pierre's Tom & Teffi's wedding in Corrientes! 2 weeks of Argentina that is! Then we'll be picking up our Campervan in Christchurch for 3 weeks of New Zealand adventure! No more info available. Still one spot available in the campervan ... After that ; a week in Sydney (and maybe tripping to Bleu Mountains) and on the 11th of December we'll fly over Bangkok to Cambodya, where we'll stay 2- 3 weeks before heading back to Bangkok for New Year's Eve! After a week around there, we fly away so that Matthias and William will have there 3rd anniversary on the 8th of January in Abu Dhabi, before we land again in Barcelona, perfectly planned after 3 Kings madness, and just in time to start school again in the weekend of 9/10Th January! And now lets get packed!! For those who are not used to reading our blogs, some advice: I usually add more pictures (but camera still at nikon for repair..) , I almost always start by saying I'll be short, but I am never. I think you need a certain level of concentration to follow my way of thinking, 'cause it jumps from one thing to another, and so that gives very long sentences with a lot of different info in it. Said this, you'll immediately recognise a post if - pierre wrote it - pierre posted it - pierre corrected it WHEN - it is bullet pointed - short sentences - with a powerpoint - explained with some mathematical/logical formula But that will probably not happen very often ;-) Also, we will probably mix languages AND none of the languages we master, we master really well. we do apologise. Feel free to comment, kids will love it, and so do we! And now lets really get packed!

3 commentaires:

Unknown a dit…

Bon voyage!! bon viatge i a la tornada ho celebrem amb un bon sopar!! catacatalan!!!

Unknown a dit…

Bon viatge familia!!! Gaudiu molt d'aquesta experiència única!!! I aneu informant ;)

Julie a dit…

C'est noté pour leur 3ième anniversaire!!!